How To Grow Your Following On Twitter

Hero Journey
6 min readFeb 19, 2020
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Trending Topics And Hashtags

If you’re having a tough time getting noticed a great tool you can use is Twitter’s trending tab. There are always tons of topics and hashtags that are trending!

There’s a lot of content you can create with a trending topic or hashtag. A tweet including the topic or hashtag or a retweet with a comment to a more popular post with the trending content already included.

Adding your 2 cents to a trending topic is not only going to get your post out there (if it’s good or getting engaged with) but will also give you exposure in places where the attention is already there which means people will see your profile and give it a follow if your content is of their interest.

It won’t drive traffic instantly, but if you consistently attack these trending topics and your content is good, it will be a great way for your Twitter profile to gain traction!


Just tweet more. Sounds simple right? Then why aren’t you tweeting!! You may not know this but there is a direct correlation between how much someone tweets and how many followers that person has. According to a study done by Beevolve “Users with fewer than 1,000 tweets usually have less than 100 followers”. That’s crazy!

I always thought that tweeting too much would cause me to lose followers, NOT TRUE! Once I started posting 20–50+ times a day my Twitter grew like crazy. It can happen to you too! Just stay consistent with your posts, you will gain traction and eventually gain followers!

If you’re having a hard time thinking about tweets, there are a couple of ways you can get inspired:

· Take pieces of content from your blog posts (If you have one).

· Model people in your niche that already have a successful twitter account.

· Think about what you wish you had known when you first started in your area.

· Give away tips to be good at what you do.

· Share your routine.

· Do some journaling and take out any good idea you had while doing it.

Follow Your Mutuals Followers

A Mutual is someone that you follow that also follows you back, if these types of people are interested in your content, that means that their followers might be into your type of tweets too, give it a try.

Your goal here is to create a network of interrelated people that will interact with you, this will make your account get more exposure and you’ll attack more like-minded people.

Having a stereotyped follower persona is really good because it will let you know for whom you are really tweeting for.


Photo by Aman Upadhyay on Unsplash

Never heard of Gary Vaynerchuk’s $1.80 social media growth hack? This is how it works!

Find 90 posts on the platform you’re using (Twitter in this case) and leave a thoughtful comment related to the post. Leave your 2 cents, 90x per day that = $1.80.

This is an amazing way for you to become a part of the community or niche you’re in. Try to be as helpful as possible and don’t ask for follows. Just be helpful and do this consistently over time, and the follows will eventually come your way, almost guaranteed.

The key here is to provide consistent value to others.


1. It’s accurate. Tell what you really do or are.

You want to pitch your true identity on Twitter. While it’s true that you may have a zombie obsession or a Star Wars hobby, you don’t need to call yourself “Jedi” or something. It could be funny to some people, but it’s better to actually tell people what you really are.

Accuracy is the key here. People are interested in following you because of what you actually do, not what you think is going to be clever.

2. It’s exciting. Make it sound cool. Because it is.

Twitter is a place to generate excitement and buzz. If you consider yourself boring, Twitter is not the place to show it. Add some pizzazz to your bio with an upbeat tone and optimistic verbiage.

3. It’s targeted. Attract people like yourself.

Twitter is a place to interact with people who are in your niche. In order to be considered part of this niche, you have to use words that this niche uses.

The people who follow you will do so because they see those targeted words, and know that you share some commonalities. It doesn’t matter that she’s in Dubai and you’re in Dorset, you are both “bloggers.” Use specific words that describe someone in your role or occupation.

4. It’s flattering. Tell about your accomplishments.

Here we get into the idea of self promotion. I like to think of a Twitter profile as a sort of modern day resume. You don’t have to go right out and say “I am very awesome,” but you should communicate the value that you can provide.

The goal of a resume is to get hired. The goal of a Twitter bio is to get followed. But both resumes and Twitter bios should communicate a degree of accomplishment. What have you done?

· If you’re a parent, that’s a pretty cool accomplishment. “Dad” or “Mom,” depending on your specialty, will do just nicely.

· If you started a company, welcome to the ranks of the “entrepreneur.”

· If you helped a company, you are a “problem solver.”

· If you run sometimes, maybe you can be a “fitness guru.”

· If you give to charity, perhaps you’re a “philanthropist.”

The idea is, you’re doing something of value, contributing in some way. You’re not on Twitter as just a taker. You’re there as an active participant. You have value.

5. It’s humanizing. Prove that you’re legit.

Remember those millions of fake Twitter profiles? Don’t be them.

Along with a legitimate headshot as your profile picture, you should have an element of the “real you” in your bio. This is where you get to talk about coffee, craft beer, and whatever other connoisseurness you possess.

The real you is the you that people want to follow. Authenticity will make you stand out. And you’ll stand out in a good way.

6. It’s intriguing. Invite people to follow you.

“Oh. Another one of those.” Is that what people think when they read your profile?

If so, then maybe you can add some intrigue. Here’s how Julia Rosien did it.

Right off the bat, she tells us that she’s a “globetrotter.” Assuming you’re interested in traveling (lots of people are), then this is intriguing. Where is Julia now? Where is she going? Where has she been? Has she visited Singapore like I have? That single word “globetrotter,” not to mention the cool airplane image, are intriguing.

7. It’s connected. Use hashtags, @s, or links.

Twitter bios can help people branch out into various facets of your identity.

· Hashtags: If you are an “SEO” for example, you can add “#SEO” to connect your bio to mentions of #SEO on twitter.

· @s. If you work at a company, have started business, or are otherwise connected to some other Twitter accounts, link to them.

· Links. You can add outbound links to your Twitter profile, too. I recommend this with caution because it can take up valuable character space and make your bio look a little tacky. But it does work.


If growing your twitter is your main focus right now it’s probably a good idea to promote it on other platforms. You can make a post about it, but I recommend linking your Twitter profile in the bio of your other social media accounts.

If you have a following on a different platform like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram then you can easily refer them over to your twitter to build a connection with you. I’m sure they’d love it and it’s how to get some more followers on Twitter!

Thanks for reading! You can check more of my work at



Hero Journey

Email copywriter and strategiest. Learn how to grow your business using email: